Gaige Grosskreutz, the only survivor of Kyle Rittenhouse shooting at a violent demonstration in Kenosha, Wisconsin, testified in Rittenhouse’s homicide trial. Grosskreutz, 27, admitted to having a pistol on the night of Aug. 25, 2020, but said he raised his hands when Rittenhouse pointed his weapon at him, fearing for his life. I never tried to kill him. I was attempting to save my life. But I’m not capable or comfortable taking another’s life.
Rittenhouse’s lawyers claim he used his AR-15-style rifle in self-defence that night. In cross-examination, they stressed Grosskreutz’s Glock pistol, which he had in his hand when Rittenhouse shot him, and his closeness to Rittenhouse, roughly 3 feet.
Scuffle with Rittenhouse
Grosskreutz said he wasn’t aiming at Kyle Rittenhouse. Grosskreutz, a Milwaukee paramedic, had attended dozens of Black Lives Matter rallies as a medic and legal observer that summer. He wore a paramedic cap and brought medical supplies. Grosskreutz also had a weapon holstered in his back. His concealed carry permit had expired, which Grosskreutz stated he was unaware of that night.
Grosskreutz was about a block away from Rittenhouse when he heard the gunfire that killed Joseph Rosenbaum. Grosskreutz, a medic, ran toward the sound rather than out. Then he met Rittenhouse. Grosskreutz decided to follow Rittenhouse after hearing cries that he had just shot someone.
Change of Direction
Prosecutor Thomas Binger claimed Grosskreutz’s change of direction was due to his services as a medic is more needed in the defendant’s direction.” Grosskreutz denied being chased by defence attorney Corey Chirafisi. I mistook the defendant for a shooter, he stated. When a firearm is involved, the risk of serious injury or death increases.
Anthony Huber, armed with a skateboard, confronted Rittenhouse as he approached. Rittenhouse fatally shot Huber, 26. Grosskreutz drew his Glock, his right hand on the weapon, his left on his telephone. He said he pulled the gun not intending to use it, but rather to be ready if he felt it was necessary.
Traumatic Events
Then Rittenhouse shot Grosskreutz. Grosskreutz said he feared he was going to die at the time.
Grosskreutz is seen in the video raising his hands and pointing his weapon. A new bullet was loaded into the chamber, Grosskreutz testified.
I felt compelled to act at that point, Grosskreutz testified. I determined to shorten the distance between us and then. wrestle the gun, detain the defendant. I know I never intended to kill the defendant.
Grosskreutz and Rittenhouse
Prosecutors sought to distinguish between Grosskreutz and Rittenhouse, both of whom claimed to be doctors. Grosskreutz testified about his medical education and training and his experience as an EMT and paramedic in Milwaukee.
Grosskreutz had treated around ten persons for pepper spray and rubber bullet injuries before being shot by Kyle Rittenhouse. Until then, I spent my time, money, and education caring for others. When asked why he didn’t shoot Rittenhouse himself, he shrugged. Not someone I aspire to be. And at that time, I decided it would be best to avoid lethal contact.